VFW Officers
Todd Van Sant
Commander - US Air Force
Gary Bean
Senior Vice Commander, Voice of Democracy and Patriot Pen Chairman - US Army
Joseph Camarillo
Junior Vice Commander
Lynn Peterson
Quartermaster - US Army
Robert Derrera
Chaplain - US Navy
Marvin Garcia
Paul Gremse
Post Service Officer
John Brendenberg
3-Year Trustee
Gordon Eatherton
2-Year Trustee
Jerry Cutshaw
1-Year Trustee
Ron Davies
Judge Advocate
Dan Griffith
Auxiliary Officers
John Whisler
Auxiliary President - US Army
Bill Mason
Auxiliary Senior Vice President
Rachel Rodgers
Auxiliary Junior Vice President
Debra Blesh
Auxiliary Treasurer
Lisa Bernhardt
Auxiliary Chaplain
Concetta Kile
Auxiliary Secretary
Cliff Payne
Auxiliary Conductor
Sherry Rock
Auxiliary Guard
Jandra Czarnek
Auxiliary Trustee
Valerie Bomgardner
Auxiliary Trustee
Vicki Rodriquez
Auxiliary Trustee