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VFW Post 9644
Verle Huffman Post
Sheridan, Colorado

Welcome to Verle Huffman VFW Post 9644
Sheridan, Colorado

Established in 1947, our award-winning VFW Post proudly represents our city, community, and veterans! Explore our offerings, from our main post to auxiliary, canteen, hall, and charitable endeavors, all dedicated to serving veterans, military personnel in need, and our community. Stay updated on our mission to improve the lives of veterans, service members, and families by subscribing to our email list. In the state of Colorado, 9644 leads the charge in veteran support. Visit and experience the bar that received aid from Bar Rescue. Located adjacent to Fort Logan National Cemetery, our post is a beacon of honor and remembrance. Our monthly meetings convene on the first Saturday of each month at 11 am.  We would love you to come visit us!

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March 2025 Newsletter

Our March newsletter is out.  Click here to download the newsletter!

Want to sign up for our emails and newsletters?  Click here.

Money donated goes directly to veterans in need, veterans programs, community outreach/support and post upkeep.

Visit our Partners and Donors

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